What Goes Around Comes Around Discussion Guide

The Bridge   -  

No doubt you are familiar with the saying, “What goes around comes around.”
Whether it was in relation to you, or to someone else, somewhere along the way you heard someone say it.
Other ways of stating the same thing include:
“You get what you have coming.”
“You reap what you sow.”
“Actions have consequences.”
Like all principles, the principle of “what goes around comes around” can work for you or against you. Felonies result in prison sentences. Academic diligence results in good grades. While it’s likely you’ve seen this principle play out this way, there are also exceptions to this rule, and that is exactly what this series is all about:
How to experience the exception to the rule.


Week 1: Master of Disguise
Week 2: The Web Gets Tangled (Not available)
Week 3: The Exception to the Rule
Week 4: Full Circle

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