Jesus said "Come, Follow Me"
You’ve heard of Jesus and probably have built your own opinion of Him over the years. Is he a man, a myth, a legend? Regardless of what you believe, we can probably agree that Jesus changed things.
In the Gospel of Matthew, when Jesus spoke to Simon Peter on his fishing boat, he said “Come, follow me.”(4:19) Peter immediately dropped his net to follow him and his life changed forever and we believe he wants to change your life too.
Jesus paved the way back to God for you. Not a perfect you, but the real you. No matter who you are, where you’ve been or what you’ve done, Jesus opens the door to a relationship with God. Everyone is invited to have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, and that includes you.
You don’t need to be perfect.
You don’t need to wait until you’re a better person.
You don’t need to change who you are to gain God’s love, you are changed because of His love.
So how do you do it? How do you start following Jesus? Here’s what Scripture says:
“If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” – Romans 10:9
That’s it! Say it out loud and believe it in your heart that Jesus is your Lord and Saviour and that God raised him from the dead. When you do this, your sins are forgiven, your journey of following Jesus begins.
So, what do you say? Have you decided to trust Jesus with your life and follow him?
Yes!? Let us know by clicking the button below! We’d love to help guide you in your next steps on your faith journey.
Getting To Know God
Read your Bible
So how do you get to know God?
That’s EASY
Start by praying (when you talk to God in Jesus name, HE HEARS YOU!)
Next, read your Bible. Prayer really comes alive when you combine it with reading your Bible.
God’s Word – the Bible – is the primary way in which He speaks to us. It breathes life into who God is, and what better way to have close relationship with Him than to learn about Him and his Promises. In its pages you will discover how to follow Jesus on a daily basis.
Start reading today on your phone or tablet by downloading the YouVersion Bible app.
Would you prefer a hard copy? Visit our Next Steps Kiosk at our Kanata location and ask one of our volunteers for a copy of the Bible on us.
Then start reading – the Gospel of John is a great place to start. 10 minutes a day goes a long way
Next Steps
You’ve decided to follow Jesus and now you’re ready to make it public.
Christians have been doing baptisms for thousands of years as a public declaration of their faith in Christ. Even if you were baptized an infant, we’ll baptize you again because this time it’s your choice.
While not necessary for salvation, baptism symbolizes your new life as a follower of Jesus; your old life dying (going under water) and your new life beginning (coming out of the water).
We will walk with you every step of the way from selecting the date, preparing and recording a video of your story, and getting you ready for your big day.
Child Dedication
Based on the story of baby Samuel, who was dedicated to God, by his mother Hannah (1 Samuel 1:19-28), child dedication is a public act where parents give their children back to God promising to raise them in the faith and asking God to bless them and watch over them.
Is child dedication the same as infant baptism or christening?
No – we believe that baptism is step to be taken by people who have made the conscious decision to follow Jesus. Baptism doesn’t make you Christian, it shows that you’re already one.
Visit our Events Page to find out when our next Child Dedication is happening and to register.